The Winner is, of course, Russia, at least its European part, with -58.1 °C. Other “-50 °C or lower” members are Norway, Sweden, and Finland.
While Iceland is even further north, its Atlantic ocean-driven climate leaves the record at -37.9 °C, therefore ranking it lower than other countries.
Similar effects are the reasons why Denmark, the Netherlands, Belgium and Luxembourg, the UK, Ireland, and Portugal have, as a result, relatively high minimum recorded temperatures.
France, Germany, Austria, Italy, and Switzerland are pretty cold – all below -40 °C, with Italydropping down to -49.6 °C. Spain holds a record of -32 °C degrees measured in the Pyrenees mountain range.Further down to the south, Greece recorded -27.8 °C., while Cyprus recorded -16 °C as its lowest temperature ever recorded. Location? Mount Olympus. How fitting!
So the only European country whose lowest recorded temperature doesn’t come below 0 °C is Malta with mild +1.4 °C degrees. That’s almost 60 degrees (59.5 °C) difference between the Russian and Maltese records.
Pasta is the national food of the Italians. Let us explore together the different pasta dishes. Grab your pencils and start writing down delicious recipes!