PassportsΒ ranked by their Visa-free score

Explore the passports of the World ranked by their total visa-free score. Here we look at the best passport to have in 2017 based on the freedom it provides.
With visa-free access to 176 countries, Germany still has the most powerful passport in the world. It has retained the No1 position in an annual travel freedom ranking, despite losing visa-free admission to one country.
Sweden remains in 2nd place with 175 countries, and Denmark, Italy, Spain and USA rank 3rd, with their nationals enjoying access to 174 countries without a visa.

Germany, Score = 100


Sweden, Score = 99.5


Finland, Score = 99.1


Spain, Italy, France, Score = 99

Spain, Italy, France.

United Kingdom, Belgium, Netherlands, Score = 98.9

United Kingdom, Belgium, Netherlands.

Denmark, Japan, Score = 98.4

Denmark, Japan.

United States of America, Score = 98,3

United States of America.

Norway, Score = 98


Luxembourg, Austria, Score = 97,9

Luxemburg, Austria.

Switzerland, Score = 97,4
