Villa Gregoriana has reopened, following a prolonged closure due to the covid-19 crisis, with visits by appointment only and masks obligatory.

Located in a panoramic spot at the foot of the Roman acropolis inย Tivoli, this beautiful park boasts an immense natural, historical and archaeological heritage.

The ceaseless work of nature and man has contributed to the creation of a wonderful landscape, featuring a combination ofย naturalย andย artificial waterfalls, ravines, gorgesย โ€“ a source of inspiration for poets and artists โ€“ andย fascinating walksย through luxuriant vegetation.
Theย Villa Gregoriana Parkย covers the two sides of a deep chasm, where the riverย Anieneย cascades down for over 100 metres to the Roman countryside beneath.

The park is unique, providing aย perfect interpretation of the sublime aesthetics so beloved of theย Romantic movement. Nature and artifice are so seductively interwoven here that the park provided the main subject for 19th-century paintings and drawings of Tivoli, which became an essential stop on the Grand Tour.