One of our favorite train deals is back, and it’s even better than last year.

One-way rides on direct, high-speed trains between Rome and Florence, and Venice and Florence are as low as $11.71, thanks to GoEuro and Italy’s Italo train service
That’s more than 50 percent off the usual price, and means you could hit up all three cities for less than $40 round-trip.
Prices will only be this low through August 31, so you’ll want to book soon, especially since this dealβ€”good for travel between October 17 and December 8, Italy’s shoulder seasonβ€”is first come, first served.
Know, too, that flights to Italy during those months are relatively inexpensive, crowds are manageable, and the weather is a cool (but not cold) 50-odd degrees.
To book, head to GoEuro’s site or straight to Italo’s site.