How Limoncello is Made using huge Lemons from Amalfi Coast

Limoncello is one of the most popular Italian liqueurs. The yellow drink is made in southern Italy, in sunny Sicily, the Gulf of Naples, and the Amalfi Coast!

Italian Potato Pie with Ham & Mozzarella

Made with vegetables, cured meats, or cheeses, the potato pie is a creative and versatile recipe that is loved by people of all ages.

Rome’s Netflix Christmas tree (#Spezzacchio) Cost $400,000

Romans have responded positively to the city's Christmas tree whose lights were switched on by the mayor Virginia Raggi on the evening of 8 December.

From Italy: A Message for USA

Most of our followers are in the USA and my son made this video to show that you are not alone. Italy is supporting them. We love you guys!

Tenor Andrea Bocelli joins with UNESCO to aid Children affected by war

Andrea Bocelli launched a “Voices of the World” musical education programme jointly with UNESCO to provide a boost to children affected by armed conflicts!

Italy ranked Worst in the EU for speaking English

A new study suggests Italians are making very little progress when it comes to mastering English, with Italy ranked worst in the EU for its citizens' English language!

This Italian Donkey Becomes Viral :-)

In Cagnano Varano, in the Foggiano area in Italy, the owner arrived in the City on his donkey.

Siena Cathedral in Italy unveils beautiful Mosaic floors

"The most beautiful, largest and most magnificent floor that ever was made".

Italian Town bans Google Maps after many People got Lost

A town in Sardinia, Italy has “banned” the use of Google Maps after too many people got lost locally while using the app, local media reports.

Italy passes law to send unsold Food to charities instead of dumpsters

Italy is introducing a series of incentives to end food waste!

Welcome to Italy

6 Reasons Why Living in Italy will Ruin You Forever

Reasons why living in Italy ruins you forever - you'll just never want to leave. Looking for an apartment or room to rent in Milan or Rome?

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