There’s no escaping it, these are truly testing times – but if there is ever a silver lining to come out of the coronavirus pandemic, it’s the fact that we might be able to take stock of the effect humans have on the planet.

After we saw the visible effects of less pollution over northern Italy earlier this week, we’re now seeing incredible scenes from the canals of Venice.
People filmed the water in Venice’s canals clearing up and fish becoming visible as activities in the city were put on hold during the Covid-19 quarantine.
Real estate agent and life-long Venetian Marco Capovilla, 40, filmed several schools of tiny fish swimming under the clear water surface in the canals which were previously clouded by debris.

Another local resident, bank worker Martina Bettoni, 33, said: “Seeing so many fish in the canals was extremely rare before the quarantine.
If there’s one good thing that can come out of the coronavirus crisis – it’s that we might now realize the positive effect we could have on mother nature if we tried.