BREAKING NEWS: Italy quarantines 16 million People around Venine & Milan due to Coronavirus

Italy expands emergency 'Red Zone' to cover much of the north as hospitals struggle to cope with Coronavirus outbreak.

16584 Earthquakes hit in Italy in 2019 😲

An average of over 45 Earthquakes per day!

China Doctors warns of a NEW Coronavirus outbreak

China's coronavirus expert said she was 'very worried' about a second outbreak.

Italy battered by Storms, Floods and Tornadoes

Heavy rain, hail, thunderstorms, and winds of more than 180 kilometers per hour hit many parts of southern Italy on Tuesday.

Venice in Danger for more Floodings & strong Winds

Venice was on red alert for more floods and fierce winds on Saturday after an exceptionally high tide swamped the city of canals, and declared a state of emergency.

Mediterranean hurricane (Medicane) to hit ITALY this Week

A Mediterranean hurricane aims straight at Italy. It is called Medicane. What seemed like a possibility now is a certainty...

Heatwave (33°C) expected in Italy for May 2020

Summer heat is on the way to Italy!

Rome City (Italy) on Security Alert for Christmas

Police chiefs are meeting on 26 November to discuss security measures during Christmas holidays in Rome following a terror warning received by interior ministry.

R.I.P – Italian Wife serenaded by husband outside hospital dies

The image of 81-year-old Stefano Bozzini playing the accordion from an Italian street below his wife's hospital window stole hearts around the world.

Welcome to Italy

10 Best and Most Beautiful Beaches In Italy

Italy has many beautiful beaches worth visiting. Some of them combine natural beauty with turquoise sea waters to create something exotic!

Best of Italy

Top 10 List